Edited on Sun Dec-07-03 02:29 PM by La_Serpiente
Actually, it is a stain on both of the parties. A plurality of Democrats and a majority of Republicans advocated NAFTA, the WTO, trade relations with China, and so forth. In fact, Clinton was the one who had the better environmental record than Bush II BY FAR!!!.
This is why so many liberal Democrats left the party for the Greens. They felt that Clinton betrayed them for comprising the party's traditional and historical record of labor and possibly (although I am not sure) environmental rights.
So if they are complaining about Clinton contributing or setting up the foundation of sending jobs to China or Latin America, then they are right in my mind. However, Republicans are even bigger free traders than Clinton ever was.
So tell them if that they want to find a party for themselves, either they look to the Green or Reform parties because the two party Republican/Democrat system is not serving their interests.