I don't mean to distract world attention from the most serious environmental problem of our time - the leaky pipe at the nuclear reprocessing plant at Sellafield - but this smaller matter of global climate change seems to possibly have some negatives and risks associated with it.
Even in Australia, where official government policy refer to global climate change as a non-problem, medical types are getting themselves in a kind of Frenzy on the issue:
"CANBERRA (Reuters) - Rising world temperatures could cause a significant increase in disease across Asia and Pacific Island nations, leading to conflict and leaving hundreds of millions of people displaced, a new report said on Thursday.
Global warming by the year 2100 could also lead to more droughts, floods and typhoons, and increase the incidence of malaria, dengue fever and cholera, the report into the health impact of rising temperatures found..."
Those wacky hysteric Australians, you gotta love 'em.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050922/sc_nm/environment_warming_dcCompiled by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Australian Conservation Foundation, the country's leading medical and environment groups, the study predicts average temperatures will rise by between 1 degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) and 6 degrees by 2100."