Japanese Critic Plans "Hotel Radioactivity" in Fukushima (Seriously)
A Japanese critic and commentator with numerous books and writings to his credit says he's planning to build a hotel in Fukushima Prefecture to benefit from the hormesis effect of low-dose radiation.
I don't know anything about this person, never read his book or writings (if you read Japanese, this is his wiki entry). Since the Fukushima I Nuke Plant accident, he has apparently amassed a huge following among those who believe radiation is safe as exists right now in Japan and heavily criticize anyone who disagree with them, experts or lay people.
For a different point of view, from Mr. Takahiko Soejima's post on his site, dated October 18 and posted on October 19, 2011 (my translation hardly does justice to the original Japanese):
都路の活動本部を、弟子たちと現地の支援者たちだけに責(まか)せておくわけにはゆきません。 私が行って、あのあたりに、 宗教研究家の中矢伸一(なかやしんいち)氏らとも協力して、「健康ランド」とか、「低線量(ていせんりょう。微量の意味)の放射線は人体に良い影響を与える」ことの証明としての 「ホテル 放射能」 を建設しようかと、考え始めています。 また、私たちの 愚かな 「放射能コワイ、コワイ」派の敵どもが、私のこの 「ホテル 放射能」 ( 「ホテル・カリフォルニア」ではありません、「アトミック カフェ」でもありません)の話に飛びついて、ギャーギャー騒ぐでしょう。
I cannot just leave the Miyakoji
headquarters to my disciples and local supporters. I am thinking about building a "Health Land" or a "Hotel Radioactivity" to prove "low-level radiation exerts beneficial effect on human body", in collaboration with Mr. Shinichi Nakaya, a religious scholar. Again, our stupid enemies who say "Radiation is so so scary" will no doubt make a racket about my "Hotel Radioactivity" (it's not "Hotel California" or "Atomic Cafe")...