Land swap would boost huge Ariz. copper mine
House moves ahead with bill allowing copper mine in Arizona
The House on Tuesday afternoon approved a rule for a bill that would allow a land swap between the federal government and a foreign-owned mining company, which would allow that company to extract copper from a massive copper deposit in southeast Arizona.
The rule was approved in a 245-178 vote in which less than a dozen Democrats voted for it. Democrats lodged several protests against the bill, including that it would only help foreign owned companies. Resolution Copper Mining LLC would be permitted to mine the copper, and that company is owned by Rio Tinto and BHP-Billiton, which both have headquarters and major offices in Britain and Australia.
"Today's bill is not written for the American worker," said House Rules Committee Ranking Member Louise Slaughter (D-NY). "It was written for foreign mining giants who hope to profit for our generosity."
Democrats also argued that Rio Tinto in particular is known to run mines remotely with robots, and said that fact undercuts Republican arguments that allowing the mining to take place would help create U.S. jobs...cont'd, here's something odd -
About 3o minutes ago there was an AP story out about this and I was in the process of cutting and pasting it here.
But when I went back to it to grab it it had disappeared and a search of the AP site on the subject didn't bring it up either.
I've also done a google search of their article and nothing. So all that's left on this whole topic as far as I can find
right now is the above piece. Very strange the way it disappeared from every place.
Seems like a pretty big story, so I'm sure it will come out later.
This was posted 5 days ago and has more info on the copper mine land swap: ARE YOUR EYES OPEN? ARE YOU SEEING THIS?!
And in related news:
10/18/2011 11:30:00 AM
Lawmakers behind legislation claim moratorium will hinder job growth -
GRAND CANYON, Ariz. - Republican lawmakers introduced new legislation last week in an attempt to thwart a department of Interior 20-year moratorium on new uranium mining claims on close to one million acres of land around the Grand Canyon.
Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, representing Arizona's Sixth District, along with Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) introduced in the House the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act of 2011 Oct. 12.
The legislation would also uphold the agreement reached by the Arizona Wilderness Act of 1984 (AWA) that would not ban mining on some of the public lands in the proposed withdrawal. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) introduced the legislation in the Senate.
In a letter sent to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Flake emphasized the potential moratorium on new mining claims would hinder job growth in the area.
In a recent press release, Flake said uranium can be mined safely with little environmental impact.