Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, who has overhauled the structure of the department’s offshore energy branch, is now looking inland with plans to merge Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) into its larger Bureau of Land Management.
Salazar said merging the OSM, which oversees coal mining regulation, into the larger lands agency will allow for more effective management.
Interior, in announcing the move, said it would be undertaken with input from employees, members of Congress and other parties. But it drew swift attack from House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.).
He called it part of an Obama administration effort to snuff out the U.S. coal industry and said he fears it will hurt the economy and jobs.
“The fact remains that the BLM and OSM have distinctly different missions – nowhere is this more evidenced than the dissimilarity between federal and private coal mining issues,” Hastings said...cont'd