Pombo hopes threat will boost bid to tap refuge's resources
Zachary Coile, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Washington -- House Resources chairman Richard Pombo is circulating a draft of a bill that would sell 15 national parks and require the National Park Service to raise millions of dollars by selling the naming rights to visitors' centers and trails.
Pombo's spokesman said the proposal, written by Pombo's House Resources Committee staff, is intended only to influence lawmakers to support an item in the budget bill that would permit oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
If drilling continues to be banned in the refuge, Pombo's staff argued, the government would have to sell parks as well as advertising space on park buses, trams and ferries to reach the level of revenues expected from oil leases sales in the Alaskan refuge. <snip>
Pombo, incidently, is from Tracy CA, where (by some coincidence) there is a company named Pombo Real Estate: