First your red herring - no one said the GAO report and the BRC report are the same. What I wrote was that the GAO report accepts findings of the Commission on the Future of Nuclear Energy. In FACT the verbiage use in the article linked in the OP is a quote FROM the GAO report, (that you've apparently not read).
DOE’s R&D plan acknowledged that the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission might affect DOE’s R&D direction. In its July 2011 draft report to the Secretary of Energy, the commission found that no currently available or reasonably foreseeable reactors and fuel cycle technologies—including advances in reprocessing and recycling—have the potential to fundamentally alter the waste management challenge the United States faces over at least the next several decades. As a result, the commission concluded, it is “premature” for the United States to now commit irreversibly to a closed fuel cycle because of the large uncertainties about the merits and commercial viability of different fuel cycles and technologies. Nevertheless, the commission also concluded that the United States should continue to pursue a program of nuclear energy R&D, both to improve the safety and performance of existing nuclear energy technologies and to develop new technologies that could offer significant advantages in, among other things, safety, cost, waste management, and nonproliferation and counterterrorism.
Page 17
United States Government Accountability Office
So that quote in the NYT piece is from the GAO and as they summarize the finding of the BRC. Also note that there are those problems again - "safety, cost, waste management, and nonproliferation and counterterrorism."
That is an explicit admission that nuclear power as it now exists and as it is seen in the next several decades does not address those problems adequately - and to any analyst not on the payroll of the nuclear industry, that means there is no way to justify deploying the present technology. And not only do they
not "make it clear that the only real long term solution to the problem is fast neutron reactors"
the report, in point of fact, says absolutely nothing about fast neutron reactors. That is just more of your shameless pronuclear spin. You are not just falling for the pronuclear circle jerk you are actively promoting it with false claims about what is in the documents.