First, when we talk about Price-Anderson, we are talking about
liabilityinsurance. On your automobile insurance, do you know the difference between
the figure listed for "liability" as opposed to "comprehensive"? The liability
covers losses sustained by others, while comprehensive takes care of your losses.
The Price-Anderson Act deals with liability; and not the losses of the utility.
I don't care what analysis you put forward; as I rely on the analysis done by
scientists and not anti-nuke activists. In preparation for the passage
of Price Anderson, the nuclear regulator at the time, the AEC; had a worst case
study done by Brookhaven National Lab. In order to be conservative, they even
assumed that the plant didn't have a containment.
The US style containment, as we saw in the Three Mile Island accident, worked very
well to bottle up the accident. In fact, the containment was 100% successful. The
releases due to TMI were all intentional. The utility vented a small portion of the
containment to the environment intentionally in order to reduce exposure of their workers.
The releases were within the licensed limits.
I know you won't like this; the anti-nukes never like it when it is pointed out that
the effects of TMI were hashed out in federal court when the neighbors of TMI sued
Metropolitan Edison, the operator.
One can read the decision of Chief Judge Sylvia Rambo of the District Court for
Eastern Pennsylvania when she dismissed the case without trial. Courtesy of PBS
As is clear from the preceding discussion, the discrepancies between Defendants, proffer of evidence and that put forth by Plaintiffs in both volume and complexity are vast. The paucity of proof alleged in support of Plaintiffs, case is manifest. The court has searched the record for any and all evidence which construed in a light most favorable to Plaintiffs creates a genuine issue of material fact warranting submission of their claims to a jury. This effort has been in vain.