From LBN: agrees co-ordinated withdrawal of ambassadors from Iran
Source: RT
Iran may lose all EU ambassadors from its soil as European countries agree to recall their ambassadors from the country. According to French FM Alain Juppe, Europe is acting in response to the attacks on the UK diplomatic missions in Tehran.
Britain, France, the Netherlands and Germany have already recalled their ambassadors and staff and closed their embassies in Iran after a group of protesters broke into the building of the UK embassy in Tehran late on Tuesday. Italy joined this group recalling its ambassador on Thursday. The head of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi, also advised all Italian citizens in Iran to stay vigilant.
"As of the last few minutes, all our UK-based staff have now left Iran," the British foreign secretary William Hague told reporters on Wednesday, "if any country makes it impossible for us to operate on their soil, they cannot expect to have a functioning embassy here."
Hague also stated he had ordered the Iranian embassy in London be closed immediately. According to Iranian authorities, this might lead to tit-for-tat actions from the Iranian side in future.
The article quotes Paolo Raffone:
“We are in the presence of activities on Iranian soil which look like the beginning of a war-type relationship. Think about the explosions at the nuclear plant and what happened at the British embassy,” he added.
This is all because Iran is violating its agreements with the IAEA and is pursuing nuclear weapons capabilities.
Iran could turn it around by coming clean.
But every analysis I've read says that the Iranian government will gain power and popular support if they're bombed, so there's no reason for Iran not to escalate the situation, similar to how the neocons wanted a "new pearl harbor".
Wesley Clark said recently,"This is a military dictatorship, the mullahs are front men. This is a military dictatorship. Shouldn't we reckon with them and deal with them as such? I think we will reckon with them and deal with them as such. The president said they are not going to get a nuclear weapon. He said all options on the table, and I think that this ratcheting up is going in exactly the right direction. It's really up to the Iranians to see how far they want to take it, but the United States is prepared to take it all the way."