Wind, an independent U.S.-based wind energy company, today announced a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with New Brunswick Power to sell all of the energy from First Wind’s Mars Hill wind farm site. The four-year deal replaces the PPA set to expire in December of this year. Mars Hill’s energy output will stay local and be distributed to homes and businesses in Northern Maine by New Brunswick Power, which won the opportunity earlier this year to provide standard offer service to all customer classes in Northern Maine. At the time, the Maine Public Utilities Commission called the
10-21 percent price decreases under NB Power’s standard offer supply a “sharp reduction” in electricity prices.<1>
“Ratepayers and businesses in Maine will be the direct beneficiaries of this deal.
Northern Maine consumers have seen their electric bills go down, and locally-produced wind power is one of the energy sources being used,” said Michael Alvarez, President and CFO of First Wind. “Local wind power is a cost-effective alternative to Maine ratepayers. This is an excellent win-win for Aroostook County residents.”
just sayin'