What does the person in charge of regulating grid reliability say about need for baseload electric?
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Mission: Reliable, Efficient and Sustainable Energy for Customers.
Assist consumers in obtaining reliable, efficient and sustainable energy services at a reasonable cost through appropriate regulatory and market means.
The Chair of FERC:
Wind is least expensive option.
Old concept of "baseload" no longer applies.
Do not need coal or nuclear.
Very clear and very explicit statements confirming these points from the person most responsible for ensuring the reliability of the nation's energy supply.
http://greenmonk.net/smart-grid-heavy-hitters-jon-wellinghoff-chair-of-us-federal-energy-regulatory-commission-part-1 http://greenmonk.net/smart-grid-heavy-hitters-jon-wellinghoff-chair-of-us-federal-energy-regulatory-commission-part-2 It's in the second half of the interview (the second link).
"Why it is a good thing for utilities that customers consume less electricity – 0:36
How smart grids help increase the penetration of renewables on the grid – 2:12
How electric vehicle owners are being paid up to $3,600 per annum to provide regulation services for utilities while charging! – 2:54
How renewable energy sources can be used as baseload power (no coal or nuclear baseload need ever be built) – 4:34"
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