This is in the category of "weird news". Although it involves nuclear, the odd sequence could have been initiated by any thermal plant.
Moon Jellyfish Kill Tons of Goliath Groupers At St. Lucie Nuclear Power PlantJellyfish must be passionate critics of nuclear energy. This past summer, they sacrificed their own lives to clog up nuclear power plants from as close as St. Lucie to as far away as U.K., Israel, and Japan. The sea creatures are unfortunate casualties of power plants that suck in water and marine life as opposed to South Florida's Turkey Point, which reuses and recirculates water.
In August, a massive influx of moon jellyfish clogged up the St. Lucie nuclear power plant, shutting down operations for a whole two days. The swarm of transparent creatures proved no match for the plant, which was constructed to withstand the impact of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet.
According to the Palm Beach Post, it wasn't just nuclear energy that was killed that August day. When the jellyfish got clogged in the system, their poisonous tentacles broke off as they traveled through the plant's pipes. Water in the intake canal became thick with the jellyfish's lethal body parts and other wildlife became trapped in a fatal web of stings.
Inwater Research Group biologists, who were onsite to oversee the plant's sea turtle protection program, poured vinegar over the swollen gills of trapped goliath groupers. Only ten were saved before the divers themselves had to be rescued. In all, upwards of 75 goliath grouper -- each weighing an average of 200 pounds -- were killed in the storm of rogue tentacles.
FPL is required to report any deaths of endangered species ...