This is what Sourcewatch has to say about The American Spectator:
"The American Spectator is a conservative political magazine founded by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. It is most famous for its attacks on the Clinton administration in the 1990s, including the Richard Mellon Scaife-funded Arkansas Project. It is operated by the nonprofit American Spectator Foundation, Inc.<1>
From The Power of Nightmares: ... neo-conservative magazine ... set up what was called the Arkansas Project to vilify then President Bill Clinton. The principal character at the center of this project was David Brock, who subsequently recanted his allegations, and refers to the project now as "political terrorism"...." tone of this article (titled "Let the People of Fukushima Go Home and Get Back to Work") will be extremely familiar to readers of DU/EE forum. I'm not going to post an excerpt from it, but I am going post a bit of one of the comments. Those interested can read the full comment (and the article if you desire) at the link below.
Comment by
ItsAbouttheKids posted at 12.8.11 @ 1:52PM...Sounds like you're a bit threatened by this subject. Unfortunately for us all, you are misguided. Survival instincts and common sense do not indicate leftist tendencies. This entire Fukushima debacle stinks of cover-ups and obfuscation of scientific data. You don't believe the Greenpeace data?
Then how about the California Department of Health's epidemiology study on health effects from Rocketdyne workers?
How about Tim Mousseau, Chernobyl effects researcher from the University of South Carolina? How about the Tondel 1996 Swedish epidemiological research indicating a significant cancer increase associated with a linear increase in soils contamination with Cs137 from Chernobyl?
How about an on-the-ground Japanese blogger's compilation of Japanese government data showing "terribly high" contamination levels (keeping in mind the Japanese government's track record of deceit and understatement throughout this debacle: How about the EPA's own website, including a link where you can order your very own copy of their current Blue Book, which indicates, "A large body of epidemiological and radiobiological data support the risk models. In general, results from these data are consistent with a linear no-threshold (LNT) dose response model in which the risk of inducing a cancer in tissue irradiated by low doses of radiation is proportional to the dose received."
So dc, what's it going to take for you, and the other group-thinkers who take comfort in following their nuclear-industry bought & paid for political and business leaders, who keep telling the "all is well," to ensure the cash keeps flowing for one more day, while the world (including your family) is poisoned and we're all robbed to pay for it? The science PROVES that the nuclear industry (the whole deal: the mining, "routine" radioactive emissions, need to store poisonous spent fuel for thousands of years, not to mention the devastation caused by plant accidents) creates dangerous radioisotope pollution that will harm the health of all living beings. Spare us the cross-country flight comparisons, that is a conscious choice (kind of like the health care argument - you can choose not to participate, remember?), and the internal/external contamination health effects are not comparable. by
ItsAbouttheKids posted at 12.8.11 @ 1:52PM