Here's another insightful article from a former Pentagon insider and neo-con critic. the article:
<< Uncle Sam "Slick" and Auntie Beltway "Backshish" actually understand nothing about who needs what energy, and couldn't care less. But they do understand precisely what they and their cronies need to do to profit from publicly funded monstrosities, domestically and globally. And if they can't profit from it the easy way, then threats and military deployments are in order. Enter George W. Bush, rainmaker extraordinaire. Tehran understands perfectly what went on in Afghanistan, and what is going on in Afghanistan today. Map the U.S. military bases against the pipeline map, and you see that the U.S. fascism - muscular national socialism - is on the march. Thus neo-fascist mouthpieces everywhere opine, "Why do they need nuclear power built by Russian contractors, when they could have Enron and Halliburton and Bechtel with U.S. military protection work on a nice publicly funded gas fueled electrical plant for them?"
Iran's publicly funded socialist economy is undoubtedly wasting as much as India's in the creation of white elephants. But beyond the national or regional security façade, it is only the feeling of being shut out of this potential hog trough that so annoys modern American imperialists in the Bush/Cheney administration. At least now we are both annoyed.
Let me sum up. You can find and experience real market forces driving local and global economies, unleashing real creativity, generating real solutions to real problems all over the world. You really can, as Brad Edmonds illustrates so wonderfully in the case of another typical government monstrosity. But don't expect them under this year's Christmas tree. In 2003 and 2004, you won't find real market forces discussed on Lou Dobbs Tonight, you won't scare up freedom at the American Enterprise Institute, and you can't have either in George W. Bush's America. >>