,1,7079519.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlinesStudy Unravels Mystery of Double Star
By PAUL RECER Associated Press Writer
5:31 AM PST, January 6, 2004
ATLANTA — Gas from a massive star is being stripped by a black hole and turned into high-speed jets that streak into space at slightly less than the speed of light, according to a new study of a bizarre double-star object.
Astronomers have been fascinated and puzzled by the object, called SS433, for 26 years because it is expelling streams of particles at more than 48,000 miles a second -- a quarter of the speed of light. That's far faster than any velocities seen near other objects in the Milky Way.
SS433 is a pair of stars which orbit a bright disk 16,000 light years away in the constellation Aquila. Light from the central disc is dimmed every 13 days, suggesting a star was orbiting the disc and briefly blocking the light. Glare from the central disc prevented astronomers from analyzing the eclipsing star.
An astronomy team from Georgia State University announced Monday at the national meeting of the American Astronomical Society that they have solved part of the mystery of SS433 by capturing and analyzing light for the first time from the dim eclipsing star.
Douglas R. Gies of Georgia State said the eclipsing star is a supergiant that may be 11 times more massive than the sun. He said the star is whipping around a black hole in the center of the disc and the gravitational force from the black hole is stripping gas away from the start at a rate that would consume the entire sun in just 10,000 years.
"The black hole is unable to digest all of the gas and it is then ejected at incredible speeds into these jets," Gies said. <snip>