Edited on Thu Jan-08-04 05:06 PM by NNadir
Stars synthesize all of the heavy elements, but not all stars synthesize all elements.
It turns out that you can release energy by fusing light elements so long as the fusion product is lighter than iron. Iron has exactly the optimal binding energy/mass balance.
Normal stars synthesize elements higher than iron by a process known as the s (slow) process, wherein elements absorb protons (and energy) or neutrons to give heavier elements. Since the process consumes energy rather than release it, this has the effect of actually cooling a star. This process in light stars, such as the sun yields some heavier elements. Elements like Tin, Molybdenum, Palladium, and Silver may be formed in this way.
The vast majority of the heaviest elements, including Uranium, Thorium, as well as elements such as Platinum, Gold, Mercury and Lead result from the explosions of supernovae in what is called the r (rapid process), in which an enormous flux of accelerated nuclei fuse at an enormous rate during the fast collapse of a massive star. (Elements heavier than Bismuth are generally not accessible by the s process owing to the physics of these nuclei.) When the star subsequently explodes the universe is seeded with heavy elements. It is probable that most of the elements found on earth are supernovae ejecta. I recall reading a paper sometime ago that indicated that it is believed that as many as eight supernovae are represented in the earth's elemental balance.
Traces of the long-lived isotope of Plutonium, Plutonium-244, with a half life of about 80 million years, have been found in California Thorium bearing rocks. It is believed that this Plutonium may be remains of plutonium found on the early earth, although formation by cosmic radiation has not been rigorously excluded. It seems likely that Plutonium was none the less present for a few billion years of earth's history. Curium-247, with a half-life of 15,600,000 years also may have lasted long enough to accrete in the protoearth. Except for a few atoms here and there, all of the supernovae plutonium-244 has now decayed to (radioactive) Thorium-232 and its daughters, and all of the Curium-247 is now represented as Uranium-235 and its daughters.
Three light elements do not survive long enough in stars to be found in great abundance in their ejecta. These are beryllium, boron, and lithium. Beryllium-8 is probably the shortest lived nuclei known because it can easily fission to give two the extremely stable helium-4 nuclei. Beryllium, Boron and Lithium are generally consumed far faster than they are formed. Lithium and Boron have interesting nuclear properties, including the fact that they are, along with nitrogen, odd numbered elements to have two isotopes that differ by only one mass number.
(Boron-10 and 11, Lithium 6 and 7 and nitrogen 14 and 15 represent these pairs - Nitrogen 14 is the only nucleus known that is stable while having both an odd number of neutrons and protons. No stable nucleus exists with a mass number of 8. Beryllium has only one stable isotope, Beryllium-9.)
In fact the non existance of a stable nucleus of mass 8 is a problem in stellar elemental synthesis, overcome only when three helium-4 collide to give carbon-12. Nuclear synthesis must "leap-frog" over this barrier of 8 by means of this very improbable reaction that probably takes place only in dense stellar cores.) All of the Beryllium, and boron on earth probably was formed in interstellar clouds by interaction of cosmic radiation with heavier nuclei by a process known as spallation. Much of the lithium was probably aslo formed in this way, although a significant portion of the lithium-6 in the universe may be an artifact of the big bang. This accounts for the relative rarity of these elements.
Carbon-12 plays a catalytic role in hydrogen burning in ordinary stars. It is faster to burn hydrogen in the presence of carbon-12, through a process known as the carbon cycle, than it is to fuse two hydrogen nuclei to give deuterium.