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Greenpeace under assault?

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sandlapper Donating Member (251 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-27-04 11:49 AM
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Greenpeace under assault?
The Canadian affiliate apparently is deeply concerned as this seems to indicate.

"In a 1998 referendum, Sierra Club members rejected calls to adopt what critics said was an anti-immigrant position. Now, a group calling itself Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization is supporting three new candidates for the board of directors, telling backers that their election would allow virtual control of the 112-year-old club.
One SUSPS member, Brenda Walker, posted an article to the website, which has been accused of promoting hate. In her article, she slammed U.S. immigration policy and urged readers to join the Sierra Club in order to vote for SUSPS candidates. That posting has since been picked up by hard-core extremist websites.


SUSPS supporters say the extremist label is a "smear tactic" and insist their concerns have nothing to do with racism or racists.
Ben Zuckerman, a long-time Sierra Club member and proponent of U.S. population control, argued that the growing population of his country, which consumes 20 per cent of the world's resources, is dangerous for the global environment and that it is immigration alone that fuels this growth. Mr. Zuckerman, an astronomer at the University of California at Los Angeles, said "political correctness" is preventing environmentalists from addressing the issue.

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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-29-04 10:07 AM
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1. Anti-immigration groups are trying to take over the Sierra Club board

The only Greenpeace connection is remote. Greenpeace was founded by Paul Watson. Paul Watson, with noted antiimmigration positions, quietly ascended to the board of Sierra Club last year.

Greenpeace dumped Watson at least a decade ago.
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