"As if 600-year-old redwoods give a damn for your politics.
As if struggling salmon care a whit for the Catholic Church's sneering homophobic stance on gay marriage. Like Alaskan elk think your viewpoints on war are far too lopsided to hold sway in the national dialogue.
There are typical GOP evils and there are warmongering BushCo flying monkeys and there is Dick Cheney's pallid sneer as he slaughters a small mountain of birds for blood sport, and then there is perhaps the most vile and destructive notion the GOP has succeeded in foisting upon the numbed nation to date: that caring about Mother Nature makes you, yet again, a "goddamn hippie liberal."
This is what has happened: The GOP has succeeded, woefully, viciously, in demonizing nature. Right now, to love our unlogged forests or to wish air quality to be protected or to hope our leaders don't allow monster crony oil companies to jam their snarling proboscises into our country's nature preserves for a handful of crude is now to be thought of as a dreadlocked Greenpeace-Earth First!-tofu lover."