"Eating seafood that contains mercury can affect the brain development of children in their adolescence, according to a study of people in the Faroe Islands. The study fuels an ongoing debate about the health effects of a form of mercury called methylmercury, which accumulates in large marine animals such as swordfish and whales.
Some researchers think these compounds are toxic only to babies as they develop in the womb, and that older children are unlikely to suffer developmental problems from the poison. But a study of the health of children on the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic, where inhabitants eat lots of seafood and whale meat and so are exposed to relatively high levels of mercury, indicates something different.
The group previously found that the children, when 7 years of age, had a slower transmission of electrical signals along a particular circuit in their brain than normal. Now that the children are 14 years old, after a continued diet of fish and whale meat, the researchers find that this disruption is even worse1. They also found evidence that mercury exposure is linked to subtle difficulties in controlling blood pressure2.
The findings suggest that any harm done by mercury before birth or in early childhood was not repaired as the children grew up. And continued mercury exposure may continue to affect the brains of teenagers, says team leader Philippe Grandjean of Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts."