An example of the TNK-BP operation in Russia: third largest oil producer in Russia and one of the world's ten largest oil companies with oil output of 1.1m barrels a day. The reserves of the new company that lacks a name so far will total 10.6m barrels against BP's 8.2m barrels, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reported.
The Nizhnevartovsk region of Western Siberia in which
TNK's main assets - including the massive 40-year
old Samotlor oil field - are based, is a disaster zone.
There are lakes of oil on the surface of the tundra. The
air is poor. So is health. There are high incidences of
diseases related to poor environment and high death
According to independent consultancy IWACO, which
published a survey two years ago, up to 840,000 hectares
of land has been polluted by oil in Western Siberia.
At least 6,500 falls within the Nizhnevartovsk region -
2 per cent of the land surface - caused largely by spillage
from pipelines and wells, from drilling and chemical waste
and leaking storage facilities throughout the Soviet era in
which 100m tonnes a year of oil was sucked out of
Somotlor at its peak...,2763,1066004,00.html