Wind turbine sails through Town Meeting four years of work by volunteers and several months of open discussion on the subject of renewable energy in Ipswich, voters made their decision at Town Meeting Monday to authorize the town to go ahead with the plans for a wind turbine in Ipswich.
Only eight voters cast a no vote when the article was put before Town Meeting.
Article 18 asked the town to borrow $136,000 for the design and permitting of a 1.65 megawatt wind turbine generator, which would provide an estimated 3 percent of the town’s energy.
The original article asked Town Meeting for the entire cost of the turbine, estimated at $3.8 million, but it was decided to break the project up, asking for a little at a time. Now, with the initial authorization in the bag, the town can go ahead with getting permits as well as finishing the application for a zero-percent federal loan through the new Federal Clean Renewable Energy Bonds program, which is due April 27.