How about this idea?
We exclude all people from political power who can't think. I believe that this practice would not only exclude the neocons, but also the entire similar anti-nuclear movement - a group that actually manages to think as poorly as neocons think. In fact, the anti-nuclear industry of circle jerkers
has been excluded from political power. Once we get rid of the neocons - also nuclear scare mongerers by the way - we'll have a remote chance of facing the immediate crisis.
You will claim that
any place nuclear materials is stored is a flood zone. I don't follow
all of your nonsense, but I have heard
Yucca Mountain represented by anti-nuclear activists as a flood zone. The fact is, that flood zones are
not the issue.
Here's a fact: The Oklo natural nuclear reactors were located in a
rain forest and in two billion years, the majority of fission products and actinides moved less than 100 meters. is, of course, wholly unsurprising that you
continue to ignore this science. You are mostly notable not for what you see, but for what you don't see.
Thus your fear mongering is based on a complete ignorance of the geology of nuclear materials. In fact, on a scale of 0 to 10 on issues of actual importance of issues facing humanity this entire thread is a zero, much like the entire anti-nuclear argument.
You write thread after thread after thread with the same 50 year old anti-nuclear nonsense, "bolt loose," "pipe leaking," blah, blah, blah.
And again, for the 50,000th time (not that you will get it) you
ignore global climate change. As many threads as you offer like this, I can offer the
same response: There is no such thing as risk free energy. There is only risk minimized energy. That energy is nuclear energy.
The matter is not some vague nonsense about blathering slogans like "political coalitions." You have no political coalition and are politically and morally useless, on the grounds that you continue to appeal to
irrational fear at the expense of what we
should fear. The time has
already arrived that you are irrelevant. Internationally the world is talking nuclear power, nuclear power, nuclear power because the world is terrified by
reality. The wolf is at the door, bub. People all over the world are concerned about a wholly different set of floods than you are.
That would include people in Bangladesh.