The first clue should be that even in the age of cell phones and laptops, the use of lithium for batteries is hardly a dominant contributer to demand. Between a half and 2/3rds of Lithium demand comes from the glass and ceramics manufacturing sector. So by your same token, perhaps before we advise everyone to buy some double-glazed windows, we should consider the world supply of lithium.
The only people that seriously worry about running out of Lithium are folks who need huge quanities of it for nuclear weapons arsenals, and they only want the trace isotopes.
At any rate, standard back of the envelop disclaimers apply. First let's get an agreeable approximate figure -- within probably an order of magnitude -- for the upper limit of lithium content of one of the older lithium ion (not Li-poly or any of the nanotech) batteries. We have to do this because the chemistry (and thus Li content) of the various new battery techs is being kept secret for proprietary reasons. (It can generally be assued to be much less -- for example because a vanilla Li-ion battery only manages to make half of it's Li ions mobile, whereas some of the newer ones claim to be immune to overcharging by virtue of the Li ions all leaving the cathode. We are far from the theoretical limit of fully utilizing Li in batteries.)
One figure popularly used is in the hazmat transportation field:
On June 21, 2001 RSPA issued a final rule to harmonize the HMR with the 1998 UN Model Regulations, ICAO Technical Instruction, and IMDG Code thereby regulating lithium ion batteries as lithium batteries subject to a lithium equivalency calculation. Equivalent lithium content is calculated in grams on a per cell basis to be 0.3 times the rated capacity in ampere hours. Thus, the equivalent lithium content for a battery/battery pack is the rated capacity in ampere hours for a single cell multiplied by 0.3 and then multiplied by the number of cells in the battery/battery pack. we can easily show that this is an overcautious estimate, just by looking at the material safety data sheets for a few Li-ion batteries: tell us, among useful advice like "do not eat" :eyes:, the Li compounds and their percent contribution to the entire battery's mass. Taking the first that's 30% LiCoO2, which is itself, if you'll consult your atomic weight table, 7/(7 + 59 + 16 + 16) 7.1% Li barring any unusual isotopes. So a common Li-ion battery is ballpark 2% Li by weight. The same vendor states it's EV-grade Li-ion batteries have an energy density of 149 Wh/Kg, which works out to 7.45Wh per gram of Li. (The other, over-precautious figure works out to a bit over 1 Wh/ gram of Li -- big discrepancy there and as an aside I have to wonder how they reached their figures.)§eur=&Intitule_Produit=VLEcells&page=2(no endorsement implied -- this company sells to the military and is attached at the hip with the republican-ass-kissing Johnson Controls. It's just that they had MSDS posted.)
Now I could punt and do a gross vehicle weight calculation here, but let's dig in:
A gallon of gasoline contains 124,000 BTU of which let's say to be extremely generous 60,000 BTU are used. Gasoline tanks in a reasonable car (e.g. not an SUV) are let's say 12.5 gallons. This is also being generous because the demand for larger gas tanks would be signifigantly lower if everyone had a gas pump in their garage.
So if a pure-electric vehicle is to perform to current passenger car specifications, it would need at most 12.5 * 60000 / 7.45 = 29Kg of Li. For a PHEV of course you'd need a whole lot less since the effective "gas tank equivalent" can be smaller by a factor of five to twenty, having fossil fuel onboard as a backup for the rare long trip.
Which brings the official figures of world supply and worst-case EV consumption onto the
same order of magnitude.
Now we get into the question of whether that 13,000,000 ton figure is correct or not. That figure is an estimate based on current extraction technologies, and frankly I'm not so confident it is even up to date at that. The Li production industry has long been concerned about waning demand, so they haven't exactly needed to get especially creative in their technological approaches. Li is found in a great many places: example, this here operation closed up shop because the market demand couldn't
justify it: forward, it's quite more likely that Li-ion will be just another phase in a steady progression from one technology to the next, and in that perspective the whole argument is mute. By the time there's an Li supply pinch, nanotech ultracaps would have had a decade or two to develop.
I know the natural response to that is "if we wait that long we're doomed" so please do explain how the entire world is going to be persuaded to buy a new automobile (and where they would get the money) in less than that amount of time.