LOS ANGELES - Pelicans are falling ill and dying from the same toxic algae bloom that is sickening sea lions and making shellfish unsafe for human consumption, wildlife rescuers said.
More than three-dozen endangered California brown pelicans have been taken to the International Bird Rescue Research Center in San Pedro during the past week. Eighteen were dead on arrival, and many more are dying in the wild, center officials said.
The pelicans and marine mammals are being sickened by a neurotoxin called domoic acid, which is produced by the algae and works its way up the food chain. Poisoned pelicans are flying farther than usual inland, dropping from the sky and suddenly flipping on their backs on the ground.
"They become very disoriented, they fly in different directions, they even fall out of the sky," Jay Holcomb, the research center's executive director, said Wednesday. "Yesterday we got one out of a parking lot in San Pedro." The state Department of Health Services also has warned that the algae is making it unsafe for people to eat certain sport-harvested mussels, and parts of anchovies, sardines, lobsters and crabs. Human consumption of seafood contaminated with domoic acid can cause illness, and severe cases can be fatal.