"Among the wasteful corruptions of the Second Republic, the Carter Energy Department stood out in my mind as a great, malodorous garbage dump. The Carter udget had allocated $17 billion for the Energy Department over the years 1982-86. What for? So that it could subsidize such economic white elephants as a multi-billion-dollar coal-liquefication plant for the Gulf Oil Company, windmills, fluidized bed combusters, solar-power towers, gasohol plants, shale plants, Stirling engines, photovoltaic cells, and countless other experiments in high-cost, unproven energy technologies.
There was nothing wrong with all this experimentation. It's precisely the kind of thing Adam Smith had invented the free market to accomplish. But the federal bureaucracy was neither competent nor called upon to usurp the job.
The sight of lobbyists for oil, natural gas, utility, and equipment manufacturers lining around the block at DOE drove me up a wall. So, too, did the spectacle of the congressional energy committees - and their members' upturned palms."
page 125, David A. Stockman, "The Triumph of Politics" - 1986/1987 (paperback edition)
This is just in the first month or two of the Reagan era. I see how the "free market" really worked to bring these "alternative energy" resources into fruition.