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We told them so!

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Environment/Energy Donate to DU
Lady Freedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 09:15 AM
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We told them so!
Global Warming was suppose to be just a theory. With the temps the way thay have been around the world, It looks to be fact. Do we have a chance still to save our world?
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GainesT1958 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 09:27 AM
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1. The good news is...
Next year we can take perhaps one of the most important environmental actions in decades --the act of purging the oil slick currently permeating the Occupied West Wing!

That done, the U.S. can once again become part of the solution--and NOT part of the problem!

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sam sarrha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-08-03 10:08 AM
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2. if the polar ice caps melt too much, the ocean heat conditioner will
will slow down or stop. without ocean currents, the equatorial regions will cease to cooled as much by polar currents. the equatorial regions will get 'considerably' warmer and the water vapor pressure will increase raising the humidity, hurricanes are born in warm water. when the warmer considerably more humid equatorial air comes in contact with cooler dryer air in the northern continent we will see some hellatious hurricanes and they will have to make higher rating for tornadoes and ratings like '6', '7' or 'Steven King Size'. the oceans will go nuts with plankton blooms killing all animal life, and get too hot in other places for plankton to grow at all. ..........but don't worry about any of that..because if the oceans get a few degrees warmer it could set off the methane hydrate..this stuff is all around the coastal shelf areas of all the continents, it is in the Arctic tundra too, which if it thaws will produce unstoppable worse than CO2 green house gas. it is a solid form of methane, it effervesces, or turns form a solid to a gas ...HOPEFULLY!!!..this stuff can turn from a solid into ENERGY. it can spontaneously give up all its stored energy in a TREMENDOUS explosion. back when the Ice Age was ending and the heat engine was being born, the frigid water started falling and flowing in rivers under the ocean. this displace water was replaced by warmer waters from the equatorial regions. the warmer water cracked the methane hydrate in one of the fiord's in Norway. the hydrate gave a BILLIONS of megatons of energy and the dust thrown into the upper atmosphere by the explosion blocked the sun light and set he ice age back several thousand years. ...So the if it isn't one damned, thing it's another.. .:nuke: :wow: :wtf:
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