Stop at the robot, look at the car alongside you and accelerate as fast as you can to the next robot. If you were driving a Ferrari F1, you could get from 0 to 100km/h in about four seconds. But there is a sleek, spotted creature that could still streak past you. Cheetahs can achieve 100km/h in less than three seconds.
Even though the cheetah is the fastest land mammal, however, it is unable to outrun humans in the race for survival. In our need to dominate the land, humans seem determined to ensure that the cheetah will soon be little more than a memory.
“The spots are fading” as there are less than 1 000 cheetah left in South Africa. Of those, less than 250 are free-roaming cheetahs. In fact, there are fewer cheetahs in South Africa than spots on a single animal.'d have to have your head up your Asscroft's arse or you're a Repuke or a George aWol Bush if you couldn't figure out that all wil animal life on Earth will be dead in the near future.