The House of Representatives recently had committee hearings on “Sound Science” with some interesting expert testimony.
One of the "experts," Paul Driessen, told about the havoc wrecked by "the malaria virus" as a result of the "ban" on DDT. “Nothing works better than DDT,” he told the House subcommittee.
But malaria is not caused by a virus, it is caused by a protozoan. DDT is not banned - it is still used in 11 countries, and in many other places it is useless because overuse of DDT has lead to resistance in mosquitoes. Driessen's claim for the effectiveness of DDT is not based on medical research. New medicine can cure it at a cost of 40 cents for drugs for a complete treatment. And finally, Rachel Carson did not oppose anti-malarial use of DDT, as Driessen implies. Her book, Silent Spring, only opposed the massive use of DDT for agriculture.
The essence of his testimony appeared on, (a lot of Congressional testimony ends up on this lobbyist-run website, coincidence?) is a pdf of his testimony: page seven he tells the House Subcommittee on Energy and Natural Resources about the “malaria virus.”
Feb 4 hearings on sound science. have seen the DDT ban myth trotted out at this year’s CPAC conference, and I wonder “VP Cheney is at this conference. If they really believe this stuff, why don’t they try to change the administration’s policy towards DDT?”