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A letter from the future

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brokensymmetry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 06:20 PM
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A letter from the future
This was origially published back in March, 2001 by Richard Heinberg, author of "The Party's Over". If you've already read it, my apologies. If you haven't read it - you may find it interesting. I know I did...


Greetings to you, people of the year 2001! You are living in the year of my birth; I am one hundred years old now, writing to you from the year 2101. I am using the last remnants of the advanced physics that scientists developed during your era, in order to send this electronic message back in time to one of your computer networks. I hope that you receive it, and that it will give you reason to pause and reflect on your world and what actions to take with regard to it.

Of myself I shall say only what it is necessary to say: I am a survivor. I have been extremely fortunate on many occasions and in many ways, and I regard it as something of a miracle that I am here to compose this message. I have spent much of my life attempting to pursue the career of historian, but circumstances have compelled me also to learn and practice the skills of farmer, forager, guerrilla fighter, engineer - and now physicist. My life has been long and eventful . . . but that is not what I have gone to so much trouble to convey to you. It is what I have witnessed during this past century that I feel compelled to tell you by these extraordinary means.

You are living at the end of an era. Perhaps you cannot understand that. I hope that, by the time you have finished reading this letter, you will.

I want to tell you what is important for you to know, but you may find some of this information hard to absorb. Please have patience with me. I am an old man and I don't have much time for niceties. If what I say seems unbelievable, think of it as science fiction. But please pay attention. The communication device I am using is quite unstable and there's no telling how much of my story will actually get through to you. Please pass it along to others. It will probably be the only such message you will ever receive.

To read the rest, go to:
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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 06:40 PM
Response to Original message
1. If it goes down like this,

billions will starve. Billions. It will be unspeakable.
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Career Prole Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-24-04 06:40 PM
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2. I hadn't seen it...thank you! n/t
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