and you really believe that the USGS has actually mapped the flow of magma in the earth?I don't think it, I know it. I've seen the images and the data.
All they know about Yellowstone is the caldera support structure.Sorry, but that's just not true, unless you're only looking at texts from oh.... 1906....
If one looks to the geologic analysis you discover that Utah and or LVC (Long Valley Caldera in CA) are most frequently sited as being source flows for Yellowstone.I've NEVER heard that.
There is also the theory that Yellowstone is a hot-spot (i.e. hole) similar to the hot-spot which created Hawaii.A hot spot, more properly called a mantle plume, is not just a "hole," but a plume of hot rock cutting into the crust, coming from deep in the mantle.
Further, note that NO subduction zone has EVER been found on earth.LOL, try looking at a map! Any place where you see a line of active andesitic volvanoes with a deep submarine trench on one side, you have a subduction zone. See the Andes, the Cascades, The Sierra Nevada, The Absorakas, the Alutians, Japan, the Phillipines, Kamchatka, etc. All of these are volcanoes caused by subduction zones.
True there are places where supposedly/Theoretically there are SUPPOSED to be subduction zones, however, the tectonic plate theory holds that subduction zones MUST have these 9 specific criteria...and no place on earth has even more than 3 of such criteria.Can you say what those nine criteria are? All of them have a submarine trench, andesitic volcanoes, blueschist basement rocks, warping of the plate causing forarc and backarc basins, and accretionary prisms. This is seen universally.
Futher, there is absolutely NO evidence for subduction zones creating land forms such as mountains (one of the 9 criteria). In fact, Rockies, Andes, Himalayas, Cascade Range, Sierra Nevada range, ALL have a completely different creation structure that argues against subduction zone creation.Of the ranges you listed, only two are on an active subduction zone (Cascades and Andes). The Sierra Nevada were created by a subduction zone during the Cretaceous, but have since been highly altered by the Basin and Range Province, and the Faralon Plate has been almost entirely subdicted. All the others are created by non-subduction related processes.
What's funny though is that the Andes, Cascades, and the Sierra Nevada all look the same....
Further, the mechanism of subduction theoretically *(should it actually exist), is supposed to work on a creep factor, where as in the last 4 geologic surveys of both the Cascades, and the Rockies, much evidence was found that these ranges were created in the course of less than 72 HOURS with the current thinking being that the Rockies were lifted up in toto in more or less about 8 hours.What are you talking about? Do you have any data to back up the 72 hours claim? Who did the surveys and where were they published? And your 72 hour Cascade "theory" is complete bullshit as can be witnessed inside the Mt St Helens crater, where you see the slow (by your standards) expansion of the dome, over the last 24 years....
Further, the newest range on the planet, the Andes, especially in the Massif Paine, show that these mountains may well have taken less than 4 hours to rise up over 11 thousand feet.The Andes are not the newest range on the planet, but in any case, WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THIS INFORMATION!!!???
Tectonic activity as a method/force for earth changes is an old, dead theory with virtually no proof available to support the original contentions. Further, the catestrophic model has tons and tons of evidence laying about all over that in fact this is THE mechanism for such earth movements.Show me the data.
Not that your unwillingness to examine evidence outside the discredited mainstream is here or there. Mountains don't rise up a millimeter per year.....Discredited mainstream? LOL! We have satelites watching mountains and they ARE rising and moving just millimters per year. We have SEEN plates moving. The data is all there. Catastrophism was discredited as nonsense over 200 years ago, because the data all suggest otherwise!
nor do subduction zones least we have been looking for one for years, and have not discovered any.Again, look at a map. Line of andesitic volcanoes on a blueschist basement with a submarine trench of the coast.
Further, where I am, less than 9 miles away from the epicenter of the Nisqually quake is supposed to be a subduction zone. However, the whole area including the part that was supposed to be sinking below the other plate, ALL of that rose up several inches during the quake and there is now evidence that the WA state sea coast expanded and ROSE during that quake. So much for subduction zone....I thought you lived just north of Three Sisters? In any case, the area that is sinking (well actually sliding under, not sinking) is the OCEAN FLOOR, not anything on land. Often times during earthquakes caused by faults (not subduction) as the Nisqually Quake was, land does sink or rise a number of inches. You might be familiar with the term fault scarp.... What do you mean the Washington State seacoast expanded? Did it rise? Stretch? What? Your sentance doesn't make sense.
And here's a diagram of a subduction zone, see no sinking.
By the way, the links were NOT snapshots, are are live, so they are self updating. No wonder about the hours difference...Uh, sorry, but I looked through the catalogue they had, and found the links to the Earthquake swarm you thought was miliseconds apart, and they were actually hours apart. You realise that the times listed on the left side of the sheet are HOURS, not seconds right? Nothing happened at Three Sisters during the Yellowstone earthquake swarm, and vice versa....