UK Oil and Gas production, 2005 – 2006 Compared
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) recently published its monthly report showing oil and gas production statistics for the UK, up to June, 2006 (Oil and Gas Index - August 2006, PDF 91Kb). An article in the Aberdeen Press and Journal reported: "The decline in UK North Sea production has been continuing, according to the latest Royal Bank of Scotland oil and gas index released yesterday. Combined daily average output in June was 2,570,537 barrels of oil equivalent per day - down 13% on the previous month, while annual production fell 18%. This was the worst figure in 13 months and well off the high in this period of nearly 3.35million barrels a day in January. Last night, the UK Offshore Operators Association (UKOOA) blamed the latest drop on exceptional factors and was hopeful production will climb as the year progressed... "
The following table shows the UK oil and gas production data as provided by the Royal Bank of Scotland. June 2005 and Jan–June 2006 data are from the RBS report noted above. Jan – May 2005 are from the January 2006 issue of Petroleum Review, data provided by the RBS:
EDIT's about a quarter of the way down the page. Sorry, but the table came up all screwed up, so you'll have to read it there.