September 25, 2006
Recent Government press releases have provided damning proof that the Republicans have co-opted scientific integrity in Government and replaced it with spin designed to beneft the global corporations that generate most of the damage to the environment.
Example 1
Today the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (commerce department) released a press report titled:
You can read the report for yourself here if you like here: NOAA press release takes advantage of our main-stream-media that survives on 10 second headlines, the report is cleverly written to get the press to report that global warming is possibly not the problem we thought it was, at least in the short term. In fact, a brief cooling of the oceans caused by in increase in ice-cold glacial meltwater was predicted by scientists studying global warming 30 years ago. The headline is a LIE. An accurate headline would be:
We know that the Republic Neocons have working inside government agencies to purge them of scientists who tried to maintain scientific integrity and refused to spin their results to the advantage of US corporations. We have been warned repeatedly. Below is further proof.
Example 2
In early September NASA released a press report with the following headine:
You can read the NASA PR for yourself here if you like here: actual report is long on rhetoric and short on scientific facts.
In summary, the reports finds that "Studies by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirm that the Earth's ozone layer is mending."
If you look at the actual scientific results and reports, the fact is that the ozone layer is NOT mending, it is more than 98% of the record-sized ozone hole in the year 2000. Its rate of growth has halted but you can hardly state that it is on the mend.
If you have cancerous tumor and its size after 6 years of chemotherapy has only shrunk by 2% no responsible doctor would tell a patient that they are "on the mend". They still have cancer, they are not cured and the physician may even tell the patient that they are never going to be cured by the chemo alone.
The actual report that the NASA PR is based on is here: From the front page executive summary:
"Ozone sonde observations show up to 90% ozone loss in the 15-20 km altitude range by 20 September compared to early August. The area where total ozone is less than 220 DU (also called the "ozone hole area") was relatively small until around 20 August. Since then the ozone hole area has increased more rapidly than the 1979-2005 average and is now close to 28 million km , which is more than the maximum reached in 2005 (26 million km ) and very close to the maximum reached in 2003. It is still somewhat lower than the ozone hole area in 2000, which peaked at 28.5 million km on 10 September."
It saddens me to see how science in the public interest has been replaced by science in the corporate interest. I fear for my childrens future.