partnership with several developers, FuelCell Energy has submitted bids for 98.6 megawatts (MW) of fuel cell power projects to the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF), which will announce the Project 100 selections in March. The multi-megawatt power plant proposals ranged from 2.4 megawatts (MW) to 28 MW.
Project 100, created and funded by the state legislature to encourage wider installation of clean energy technologies for the benefit of Connecticut ratepayers, was established to encourage the installation of 100 MW of electricity generated by renewable means by 2008.
"With our partners, we are in position to provide ultra-clean megawatt and multi-megawatt power plants to address Connecticut's long-term energy needs," said Bruce Ludemann, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for FuelCell Energy.
Connecticut, one of 23 states with Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) that mandate increased amounts of electric power be generated by green energy sources, requires 10 percent of peak power, or approximately 400 MW, must come from renewable energy sources -- including fuel cells -- by 2010. The submissions spanned clean energy technologies including those using fuel cells, wind sources, biomass and solar.