WEST Australian authorities believe a toxin may responsible for the mystery deaths of about 5000 birds around Esperance, in the state's south. With its nearby lakes, offshore islands and national parks, Esperance is renowned for its bird life, but lately the chorus of bird calls has been quieter. The problem pre-dates last week's destructive storm, which led to the area being declared a natural disaster zone.
The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) said it received the first report of bird deaths on December 7 from Esperance's Port Authority and reports had since come in from other parts of town as well. The birds affected include yellow-throated miners, wattle birds, new holland honey eaters and some seagulls and pigeons.
"The birds are dying around sprinklers, water tanks, bird baths ... it seems as a result of them being ill. They're seeking water and they're dying around those water points,'' DEC district nature conservation co-ordinator Mike Fitzgerald said.
WA's Department of Food and Agriculture has conducted autopsies on five birds. "It doesn't appear to be an infectious cause. Certainly, one thing that is being considered is a toxin,'' acting chief veterinary officer Fiona Sunderman said.