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United Solar Ovonics receives $15 Million order for it's amorphous photovoltaic thin film sheets.

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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-10-07 02:55 PM
Original message
United Solar Ovonics receives $15 Million order for it's amorphous photovoltaic thin film sheets.

BIOHAUS, a well-known PV distributor and system integrator located in Paderborn, Germany, has successfully commissioned many installations using PV laminates manufactured by United Solar Ovonic. As one of the photovoltaic pioneers, BIOHAUS not only distributes standard systems, but it also uses its knowledge and longstanding expertise to enter into the manufacturing and development of solar modules. Under the brand name BIOSOL, BIOHAUS markets its own solar power systems and since 2001 has been the market leader in the in-roof sector.

"We have chosen UNI-SOLAR® laminates as this product offers the ideal solution for building integration. Unlike traditional crystalline technology, which typically uses heavy, glass panels, UNI-SOLAR® products are flexible, durable, lightweight, and easy to install. Additionally, independent studies in Europe and elsewhere have shown that UNI-SOLAR® triple-junction products deliver more energy per rated power than the conventional crystalline products," said Manuela Schaefers, BIOHAUS spokeswoman.
United Solar Ovonic LLC, building on technology invented and pioneered by ECD Ovonics, is the world leader in thin-film amorphous photovoltaics. Because of characteristics unique to the United Solar Ovonic solar cell technology, such as lightweight, ruggedness and flexibility, it is ideal as building-integrated photovoltaic roofing systems for residential and industrial customers. ECD Ovonics holds the basic patents covering the continuous roll-to-roll manufacturing of thin-film amorphous-silicon alloy multi-junction solar cells and related products.

United-Solar Ovonic

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TexasProgresive Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-10-07 04:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. I was thinking this thin film technology
could be an enhancement to a plug in car. The GM concept plug in car, the Volt has a battery range of 40 miles. I travel a bit more then that to work and back. If the car had thin film PV units on the roof charging the batteries while the car sits idle in the parking lot it might increase the range.
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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-10-07 04:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I've been to Texas in the summer. If there EVER was a place where solar power has huge potential
it's Texas. Someday you'll be exporting gigaWatts of power from the sun.

It would definitely help charge up your car, although I don't know about the asthetics of it. These amorphous photovotaic sheets look something like roofing tiles. someone posted on this site about a kit solar panel for the Toyota Prius which is intended to do what you are talking about. The only thing is, in Texas, in the summer, that sun just might blow your batteries!! Damn, that sun is strong down there!

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