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All But The Highest Alps Ski Resorts Gone By 2050 - 40K French Tourism Workers Out Of Work Today

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 10:38 AM
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All But The Highest Alps Ski Resorts Gone By 2050 - 40K French Tourism Workers Out Of Work Today
The grandchildren of today's skiers are likely to know the white peaks of Switzerland only from the wrappers of chocolate bars. A remarkable report on climate change that will be handed to European governments this week will say that the effect of rising temperatures will mean an end to snow across large areas of the Alps. The report, by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, will predict the disappearance of 75 per cent of Alpine glaciers within 45 years, a surge in avalanches and floods and the closure of all but the highest ski resorts.

The 130-page document, which is the first to assess the economic impact of global warming on European leisure, comes as resorts are struggling to get their skiing seasons off the ground. Today's Snowshoe Festival in 45 French resorts has been downgraded to 'a ramble' and, according to trade unions, 40,000 French seasonal workers have still not begun work.

Shardul Agrawala, author of 'Climate Change in the European Alps', said the report shows the impact of global warming is already very real. 'There tends to be a view that climate change is decades away and that it will affect faraway places. But if you look at the Alps, whose recent warming has advanced at three times the average world rate, you can tell it is happening already.'

A foretaste of how skiing is likely to be affected is revealed by current snow levels across the Alps. Very little fell before Christmas, leaving skiers facing barren slopes. 'There was a major fall at New Year but since then the weather has been mild,' said Betony Garner of the Ski Club of Great Britain. 'Very few resorts below 1,500 metres have much snow. Many people who booked in advance will have been disappointed and in the next few years I think we are going to see people holding off until they see the snow reports. Many resorts, particularly low-lying ones in Austria and Italy, are already thinking of moving into new markets, such as spas. However, skiers will keep trying to find snow no matter how difficult it is to get to.'

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partylessinOhio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 11:35 AM
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1. Climate change is so serious yet too many are focused on war instead
of what we need to do to save our world.

This morning I noticed that my Ballerina rose bush has come out of dormancy if it even entered it and has sprouted new leaves. I live in Northern Ohio, planting Zone 5.

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donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 11:36 AM
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2. global warming creates newly poor all around the world everyday
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