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Saudi Aramco Delays Khursaniya Project By Six Months - Planned 500KB/D

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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 11:16 AM
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Saudi Aramco Delays Khursaniya Project By Six Months - Planned 500KB/D
(MENAFN) According to an official at Saudi Aramco, the oil giant postponed the commissioning of the 500,000 bpd Khursaniyah oil and gas project to the fourth quarter of the year, a few months later than the previously announced date without giving the reason for the delay, Arab News reported. The Khursaniyah oil and gas project would be ready for production in June 2007.

The project is being constructed about 140 kilometers northwest of Dhahran, spread over an area of 50 square kilometers.

The program includes grassroots oil production facilities that will produce 500,000 bpd of Arabian Light (AL) crude oil from the Abu Hadriyah, Fadhili, and Khursaniyah fields.

It also includes a gas plant to process 1 billion standard cubic feet per day (scfd) of associated gas and 80,000 bpd of hydrocarbon condensate to produce 600 million scfd of sales gas and 280,000 bpd of C2+ NGL.

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