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Wind farm could boost renewable energy manufacturing in northern Colorado

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 02:08 PM
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Wind farm could boost renewable energy manufacturing in northern Colorado

Weld County residents in the next few months will likely see convoys of trucks hauling huge metal parts to the windiest flats of northern Colorado.

They will be enroute to the Cedar Creek Wind Project eight miles east of Grover, a project that could spur a massive renewable energy manufacturing market and hundreds of new jobs in northern Colorado.

The wind farm has been planned since December 2005, originally under a Virginia company, Greenlight Energy. British Petroleum America bought out Greenlight late last year. It announced Friday that the Weld wind farm is among five total U.S. wind projects the company plans to build this year in a move toward an $8 billion investment in the renewable energy market in the next few years.

"This Cedar Creek project is an important part to meeting our own internal goals of 550 megawatts in the United States," said Jack Rigg, regional manager for government and public affairs for BP America, based in Houston. "We originally set a goal of 450 by the end of 2008, but now with these projects we've confirmed today, it will be up to 550 by the end of this year."

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donco6 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 02:58 PM
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1. Colorado passed a law requiring 10% of energy production . . .
.. . to come from alternative energy sources.

The Dem governor is pushing this hard - in state-of-the-state address made alt. energy a big part of the goals for his first term.
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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-14-07 05:21 PM
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2. More jobs in the U.S., less imports of natural gas - and cheaper electricity too.

Yeah, this industry just has noooo potential (LOL).

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