New solar-energy research pushed by President Bush last year is on hold in Colorado labs because the last Congress failed to pass several budget bills. Funding for a proposal to build a $300 million underground laboratory near Empire could be delayed for a year. And federal research groups across the state have frozen hiring, limited travel and delayed computer updates.
From the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Boulder, scientists are spending conservatively as they wait to see how the new Congress appropriates funds.
In December, the outgoing Congress passed a "continuing resolution," which holds budgets at about 2006 levels through Feb. 15, said Drew Nannis, spokesman for U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo.
Later this month, Congress will probably continue the resolution through the end of September, Nannis said, but it may make some exceptions for programs expecting major increases.