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Global warming plan a priority (Maine Legislature)

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-17-07 01:52 PM
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Global warming plan a priority (Maine Legislature)

AUGUSTA - A plan to limit global warming pollution from power plants -- the first such effort in the United States -- is about to reach Maine's Legislature.

The Baldacci administration has been negotiating for about three years with eight other Northeastern states to create the plan, known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. The administration is expected to introduce a final proposal as soon as next week and formally request legislative approval for Maine to participate.

Nearly two dozen environmental advocacy groups announced Tuesday that the global warming plan is among their top priorities in the new legislative session.

The global warming plan is sure to face scrutiny from Maine's power generators, as well as large manufacturers that fear it could lead to an escalation of already-high energy costs.

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