In almost every discussion of energy solutions, one glaring omission occurs:
Tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars will be invested in the U.S. power grid over coming decades. Sixty percent of our energy system’s aging infrastructure will need to be replaced in the next decade or two. Even if nuclear, solar, wind and tidal all arrive together as safe, viable solutions to energy
delivery, the demands on the pipeline for that energy will increase tremendously. Any and all grid-tied energy sources will only add to the load on our already badly overloaded electrical infrastructure.
All of the talk of an "Apollo project" (or "Manhattan project") for nuclear vs alternative energy can disguise equally or greater concerns and/or solutions. The first of these, without question, is conservation, consuming less, and powering down the American 'lifestyle'. No number of nuke plants or pig shit powered cars will sustain our society in anything like its present form through the middle of this century.
But, given that a wide range of technologies will be employed to various degrees, getting the delivery channel for all those joules ready for the load
must be taken care of first.