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Couple brings business of (hydrogen) fuel-cell vehicles to Port Byron (IL)

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-22-07 01:05 PM
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Couple brings business of (hydrogen) fuel-cell vehicles to Port Byron (IL)

PORT BYRON -- In coming years, folks in Port Byron just might spot a tiny car, not much bigger than a golf cart, zooming silently around town.

That's the goal of Bruce Wood and his wife Amy Nielsen, co-founders of ePower Synergies Inc.

They started the company in 2004 in their Cordova home, with the goal of introducing new clean-energy vehicles that use advanced hybrid drives and fuels like hydrogen.

ePower operates as three synergistic companies that will design, manufacture and operate fleets of electric vehicles. The company is in the process of moving its corporate headquarters to a new building on Port Byron's North Main Street.

<more with pix>
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