Japan warned tuna stocks face extinctionJustin McCurry in Tokyo
Monday January 22, 2007
Guardian UnlimitedJapan's huge appetite for tuna will take the most sought-after stocks
to the brink of commercial extinction unless fisheries agree on more
rigid quotas, wildlife campaigners warned today.
WWF said that while Japan was the main culprit, burgeoning demand for
tuna from other countries, such as China, had increased the threat
to stocks.
"Tuna are fast disappearing, with important stocks at high risk of
commercial extinction due to weak management," the group, formerly
known as the World Wildlife Fund, said in a statement.
"Atlantic bluefin (tuna), used for high-end sushi and sashimi, is massively
overfished and the spawning stock of Southern bluefin in the Indian Ocean
is down about 90%."
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