Just thought I'd pass this on:
Dear Friend,
(snip) Tonight, President Bush will use his State of the Union address as an attempt to assert his leadership in what is widely viewed as a weakened and failing presidency. Last November's elections exposed the bankruptcy of the conservative agenda. The resulting new leadership in Congress has already begun demonstrating its commitment to taking legislative action on issues of the greatest importance to the majority of Americans - issues CAP has championed like raising the minimum wage, expanding stem cell research, and lowering the cost of college. The new year presents American Progress with an extraordinary opportunity for advancing a national progressive agenda.
Last week, the Action Fund's Progress Report highlighted American Progress' solution to our country's most pressing problems, while continuing to critique the President's failures with regard to national security, the economy, health care and energy, using the time leading up to tonight's speech to highlight the real state of our union. Tonight, the Center for American Progress Action Fund will offer commentary, critique and expert analysis of the President's State of the Union speech both on-air and online. I hope you will check us out.
Go online to the Action Fund's ThinkProgress.org, where the team behind one of the world's most popular blogs will respond in real-time to the President's speech. They will fact-check the Presidentís statements and provide sharp, detailed analysis of the facts behind the rhetoric. ClimateProgress.org. Anticipating the President's focus on energy and climate change, American Progress Senior Fellow and widely-cited climate scientist Joe Romm will offer his own point of view on his blog Climate Progress. Just launched by the Action Fund, this irreverent, expert blog has already received high marks for its science-based debunking of the Administration's dismissal of the real effects of climate change.