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Experts split over climate danger to Antarctica

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:27 PM
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Experts split over climate danger to Antarctica
Scientists challenge 'cautious' UN report

Serious disagreement has broken out among scientists over a United Nations climate report's contention that the world's greatest wilderness - Antarctica - will be largely unaffected by rising world temperatures.

The report, to be published on Friday, will be one of the most comprehensive on climate change to date, and will paint a grim picture of future changes to the planet's weather patterns. Details of the report were first revealed by The Observer last weekend.

However, many researchers believe it does not go far enough. In particular, they say it fails to stress that climate change is already having a severe impact on the continent and will continue to do so for the rest of century. At least a quarter of the sea ice around Antarctica will disappear in that time, say the critics, though this forecast is not mentioned in the study.

One expert denounced the report - by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC - as 'misleading'. Another accused the panel of 'failing to give the right impression' about the impact that rising levels of carbon dioxide will have on Antarctica.,,2000533,00.html
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bananas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-27-07 09:33 PM
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1. In a few decades, we'll all be living there. nt
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