Huge mudflow "inevitable" from NZ volcano's lake35 minutes ago
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A crater lake on a New Zealand volcano used as a backdrop
in the "Lord of the Rings" films is on the verge of collapsing and could send a torrent
of muddy water down the mountain in coming weeks, media reported on Monday.
Melting snow on Mount Ruapehu has filled the lake to within 1.5 metres (5 feet) of its lip,
according to the New Zealand Herald newspaper.
The 2,797-meter (9,177-feet) volcano is the highest mountain in the North Island and
home to two commercial ski fields.
-snip-"It is still expected the earliest the dam might start collapsing to create a lahar down the
Whangaehu River is February/March," the Herald quoted a Department of Conservation
official as saying.
-snip- Full article: