US to send 'clean energy' mission to China, IndiaMon Jan 29, 7:51 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States is to send a mission to China and India
to market technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the world's two
most populous nations, the US Commerce Department said.
The "clean-energy technologies trade mission" in April will be lead by US Commerce
Assistant Secretary David Bohigian and involve a broad range of technologies such
as renewable energy, energy efficiency and "clean" coal.
The mission aims to "match" participating US companies with opportunities in these
fast-growing markets, where American clean technology goods and services could
help improve the environment, the department said in a statement.
-snip-"It is important to reduce air pollution without hindering world economic growth,
and the United States is poised to be a leader in this effort," he said.
-snip- Full article: is the Bush administration's idea of leadership in fighting climate change.
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