Fancy a pet jaguar cub? How about a rare parrot? The trade in wild animals in Mexico threatens some of the world's most exotic endangered species.
At the Sonora Market, a bustling bazaar, traders illegally sell animals alongside exotic herbs and folk cures in the heart of Mexico City's often lawless center. Outside the market, a crowd gathers around a man claiming to have magic powers who takes a snake from a bag, letting it sink its fangs into his finger to drip blood onto Tarot cards.
Inside its labyrinthine corridors, conservationist Juan Carlos Cantu shudders as a vendor stuffs a rare bird into a cage. Around him, stalls are packed with endangered yellow-headed parrots, boa snakes and squirrel monkeys.
Stall holders say they can get any animal and deliver it to your home, even young jaguars, crocodiles and eagles.
"It would take an army to stop this," whispered Cantu as he edged his way through the stalls. A policeman seemingly unconcerned at the illegal sales stood just steps away.