mother bald eagle put on a display of Maine stoicism Tuesday as she sat dutifully on a new egg, despite frigid winds buffeting her nest 70 feet above the Hancock County coast.
The eagle laid low and kept her head down as wind chills dipped to about 15 below zero. But if she was thinking she picked the wrong week to start a new family, she wasn't letting on.
"It's just amazing to think that bird has to be stuck there in this exposed place. But they've evolved to nest at this time of year," said Wing Goodale, biologist with the BioDiversity Research Institute in Gorham.
The lives and times of the eagle and her mate are the subject of a 24-hour online nature show -- now in its second season -- captured by a camera posted in a nearby pine tree. The institute operates the Webcam to learn more about the lives of Maine eagles and promote understanding of the animals and everything they go through.