NATIONS - The world’s population will likely reach 9.2 billion in 2050, with virtually all new growth occurring in the developing world, a U.N. report said Tuesday.
According to the U.N. Population Division’s 2006 estimate, the world’s population will likely increase by 2.5 billion people over the next 43 years from the current 6.7 billion — a rise equivalent to the number of people in the world in 1950.
Hania Zlotnik, the division’s director, said an important change in the new population estimate is a decrease in expected deaths from AIDS because of the rising use of anti-retroviral drugs and a downward revision of the prevalence of the disease in some countries.
And you thought life was interesting now. We'll have the same problems we have today, just on a bigger scale. Unless we figure out how to eradicate every current and future disease/virus(we have to figure out a way to stop evolution), and how to make everyone have a good paying job with ever increasing benefits, how to get everyone food, how to completely integrate every culture and peoples so that all those young workers actually want to help the aging West which has been bombing the crap out of them for the last few decades, how to make sure people don't become even more expendable than we already are(most of us are in the way, all we do is consume cheap crap), and how to keep order(more surveillance cameras, more banning or taxing of resources so that we don't completely destroy ourselves since our entire way of life is based on the lack of limits, etc). I'm sure I missed a few.
Yeah, 2007 is a nice walk around a lake(still chemically poisoned, don't get me wrong) compared to what we'll have to do in 40-some years just to stay at normal. I'll barely be into my retirement by then. Unless that age is raised, which it will be, unless all those young workers from the developing world support me. Hi Africa :hi: